Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gonna eat me a lot of peaches

Moving to the country first....

Sigh. How does one have these moments, exactly? All the boxes are ticked. Career going well. Check. Children happy. Check. Husband happy. Check. Nice home, holidays booked, great friends, check check check.

Where has this desire come from? Why is it here?? What is the meaning of all this???

No answers here. Just the persistant, strong desire to so do.

I figured it was the whole domestic goddess thing. Subconsciously I was seeking to appease the desires of my inner D-G and this was where the moving-to-the-country-thing was coming from. So I bought a sewing machine. With all good intentions of course (and hopefully my purchase will keep someone in their job for 30 seconds longer than they would have otherwise been, in the current economic climate), and of course never even having tried my hand at sewing. "This should be interesting", says Superhusband. "What are you actually intending to do with that?" Traitor. Certainly will not be sewing his button holes now, that is for sure! This thought was not expressed out loud at the time, mainly because I was so engrossed with how to thread the cotton and learning about bobbins, what they do, and finding out that there is an upper AND lower thread!

None of this has appeased my desire.

So...I then progressed to planning a vege patch. A proper one with more than one variety of vegetable (i.e., more than just shallots...). It will be grand. I will save money by purchasing less produce. Urge will subside. I will have a hobby that I can discuss with the SAHM's (of course, it is hoped a 'bonding' moment, or moments, will quickly follow), the children can learn about the garden, and once I figure it out, they can also learn about bobbins.

If none of this works, perhaps I will need to eat me a lot of peaches instead.

From a can no doubt, just as the 90's band 'Presidents of the United States of America' dictated all those years ago....

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahaha

    I love Peaches!!

    Keep blogging....
