Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When Superwoman just won't go away

Last night I had some of the best you-know-what, that I've had for a long time.

The fact that it was not until 12.30am and after returning from a late night working back (gracias to my Superboss), hitting the gym, having a (late) homecooked dinner courtesy of the current Supersqueeze, washing clothes and then spending half hour on the phone with a girlfriend who is currently living on the other side of the world was not noticed until early this morning, sitting at my workstation (as I am now), enjoying a rare moment of reflection...ok and yes perhaps my thoughts were intermingled with flashbacks of my late night rendevous

Are we all now geared to live our lives so busily? If this is true, and if Gen X and Gen Y are so happy being busy and flitting from one thing to the next, how will Gen Z adapt - or change?? - the social landscape?

I personally get a lot of satisfaction out of 'having it all' - even when what this is changes, or leaves me exhausted, or things do not conform necessarily to the GLP (see below) - in fact I thrive on the 'busy-ness' and living up to my notions of the Domestic Goddess, but I still wonder when enough is enough?

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