Monday, March 9, 2009

Superwoman, I'm Not!

It occured to me, not so long ago, that I am not a Superwoman.

I had, however, been suffering from the delusion that I WAS a Superwoman. Not that you could have told me that then. Hell no. I was too busy to have stopped and listened to you, let alone to take on board anything you might have to say that did not sit well with my 'Great Life Plan'.

I bet most of us gorgeous-young-women, who now bask in all the benefits bestowed upon us as a result of our bra-burning mothers and grandmothers, have a 'Great Life Plan'. In fact, perhaps more than one. Or one major 'GLP' (now that just sounds like we are talking economics now, doesn't it?), from which everything else must comform, comply, adjust and adapt....

During my moment of Great Revelation (in which it occured to me that I am not Superwoman), I wondered what 'everything' encompasses for other women (and maybe even men too in this day and age). Further what the GLP means for us all?

Does it mean - developing a fabulous career - drinking to excess whilst maintaining a sense of style - keeping a lovely home - cooking up a storm for the partner/friends/parents - travel - wild sex whenever and with whomever (or abstaining until you find 'the one'??) - being one fashionable step ahead of the rest inside your wardrobe and out - until you have achieved the GLP?

When is having it all (and what the hell does this mean), enough? I wondered.

Subsequently, I was reading online (yes....during work hours!) a feature article (with numerous comments) talking up the 'Domestic Goddess', and how easy it is now to bake cookies and prepare 3 course meals for 4 children and partner whilst working full time in a career (not just 10am to 2pm at the school canteen waiting for the kiddies, but an appropriately attired-traveled to-clock-on-clock-off, mode of employment. Not to say canteen 'work' does not have its benefits) and organising after school activities and sport and keeping a lovely home and everyone is happy including partner who comes home to a cooked meal and clean house to relax and maybe get some action if its a lucky day!!!

As lovely as all of this sounds, I wondered how it could be sustained because I know for a fact there are (many) people who fit into the above routine in one way or another - are we all guilty of Superwoman idolisation?

Even our men who, once all the requirements of the day have been met, would no doubt like it if we put on our best appearances before the 'action' starts....

Are multi vitamins the answer? I don't know. I am starting with this blog (in my so called 'spare' time). Turn off the auto pilot. Everyone wants to know what you have to say about this - what is 'everything' and why do we have GLP's?


  1. I'm married and work - suffice to say there is plenty of action going on in my neck of the woods :)

  2. Ha Ha, this is so true!

  3. Great to meet a kindred spirit - I am not a superwoman either (or am I??)

    keep posting :)
