Thursday, March 19, 2009

The New Generation of 'Lists'

Just take a quick flick through the latest news and you will see that many superwomen are doing it all, and not necessarily receiving the (supposed) reward of having it all in return for all their efforts. Or turn on the radio. Or the television. Devices marketed as our friends who are seemingly not so at least in the current times.

For example. In the latest wave of attacks undertaken mainly by babyboomers, Gen X and Gen Y were yet again in the spotlight. What for this time, you ask? Apparently we have just now discovered the use of a shopping list. Apparently, there is evidence to suggest that neither Gen X or Gen Y have ever prepared a shopping list, for anything, let alone something as rudimentary as food shopping. The fact that we now know what they are and more to the point we actually use shopping lists, is a 'sign of the times', due to the 'recession', and Gen X and Gen Y (who no doubt will be blamed for the current recession) will be soo much better off for it (as will the State Of The World).

Well let me just say that just because we do not have scraggly unattractive pieces of paper with writing scrawled over them as we are out and about it does not necessarily follow that we do not have lists - Superwomen all over and of all varieties have numerous Lists - and if we had to write them all down, we would spend all our time writing out Lists!

Lists for chores around the home; the Must Get Done today List; social activites coming up in the next month; shopping (of all varieties including food); Lists for the next boyfriend's qualities; better yet the 'why my next partner will be female' List; the next holiday List.

All of which are on the Great Life Plan (GLP - see original posting) Mega List.

And most of which are stored valuably away in our brains (as well as in Blackberries/iPhones, whatever the case may be) and in the case of food, it really is simply a matter of a quick scan of the fridge and cupboards before the big food shop - besides which we will be the ones standing in the 15 items or less line watching you struggle with a trolley.

Unless we are the Superwomen of the variety who have a number of children - in which case we will be looking enviously at the 15 item or less line and reminiscing abot days gone past....

Either way we most certainly will not be concentrating on a wrinkled scraggly peice of old paper with items scribbled down on it.

Perhaps Gen X and Gen Y should create a List designed to assist the 'Older Generation' to come to terms with certain facts of life. Starting with Lists being a fact of life regardless of their form. And also that Lists (or lack thereof) are certainly not the cause of the recession....


  1. Gen Y are lazy know it all's who bring Gen X down with them its no wonder you are the butt of the jokes given that the world is going bankrupt - your have it all mentality is the cause of it all

  2. hahaha that is soo funny!! Yeah who needs a written list for food these days - can only afford mince meat and potatoes! Besides we live in the 21st century hel-lo?

    And Gen X just think they are so much better than everyone else. They are not so lighten up anonymous above I bet you bought a plamsa/LCD in the last five years.

  3. I have lists for sad

  4. Gen Y is writing a new list the have it all list, Im on my way...

  5. You young whippersnappers should understand that us of the 'Older Generation' have been through it all. War, Recession, Depression and now the Internet and Mobile Telephones.

    It is not a Recession that will teach you things but the trials of life created by hardship.
