Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pretty v Practical

This is a war that dates back to the ages.

Today it started when I chose 'Pretty' shoes for work this morning. Nothing wrong with that, I hear you say. And you would be right. In fact, more than right - you would be, no doubt, a glamourous Superwoman with your own closet full of pretty shoes (a.k.a. Carrie Bradshaw style). Whilst I may not have as many as our wonderful Carrie, I do lurve a shoes, and tend to keep several pair at work for the days I choose 'Practical', for the trip into the office.

And so. Here I am, in my Pretty shoes with my Pretty bag and Pretty dress and Pretty hair and Pretty make up and feeling quite pleased with the Pretty world. The car doesn't start. When it finally starts I am stuck behind a VERY slow heavy vehicle which in turn makes me late for the public transport. Screeching into the car park, I throw the car into a parking spot, planning to run to catch the public transport knowing there is a significant delay until the next one if I miss it. Running in Pretty shoes is quite simply NOT the done thing. One risks various sorts of injuries all the while looking like a right twat holding one's bag and one's dress, tap tap tap-ping along, as you are all no doubt aware having either witnessed such behaviour first hand or participated in it yourselves at some point in your life.

On a positive note I made it (woop woop!!). The middle aged man had waited, having heard my tap tap tap-ping now doubt. Of course, the obligatory and individual smile and 'thank you so much', immediately comes his way. I am pleased with myself. Until I catch a glimpse of how I look in the window reflection........

If only I had chosen Practical.

The Pretty v Practical debate extends to many different scenarios and is alive and well within the dialogue of our society as this very moment.

Who should we get to present that newscast - the Pretty one, or the Practical one?

Which diary will I buy this year - the Pretty one, or the Practical one?

What type of car??

How will I dress my child/children today - so they look Pretty (or handsome), or Practical?

You need a holiday - do you take the pituresque beach side option flying to an exotic location, or jump in the car and drive to the nearest beach?

I'm sure you can all think of more examples (post them up). Obviously they will all depend on individuals, but you get my drift, yes? Or am I just obsessed by shoes????

1 comment:

  1. I am obsessed by shoes - and have heaps of pretty and practical ones!
